Meet Lilith, Adam’s First Wife that Nobody Wants to Talk About

Meet Lilith, Adam’s First Wife that Nobody Wants to Talk About

Trista - August 26, 2019

Meet Lilith, Adam’s First Wife that Nobody Wants to Talk About
Lilith on Supernatural. Supernaturalwiki.

26. Lilith Controls People Around You

Lilith is a demon who is known to rule beside Satan. She has red hair and is very persistent in her efforts to seduce men or get to your children. She doesn’t care about the costs because she is the demon known for unexplainable woes.

One of the ways she will try to get what she wants is by controlling the people around you. This is often known as demonic possession; however, Lilith can make this temporary. If you notice people around you start acting strange, it might be Lilith.
