Mexico’s President is Asking for an Apology from King Felipe VI and the Pope 500 Years After Historical Conquest

Mexico’s President is Asking for an Apology from King Felipe VI and the Pope 500 Years After Historical Conquest

Trista - April 2, 2019

Mexico’s President is Asking for an Apology from King Felipe VI and the Pope 500 Years After Historical Conquest
Hernan Cortes meets Moctezuma in Tenochtitlan in 1519.
Unknown Tlaxcalan artists / Wikimedia.

26. Hernan Cortes Arrived in Mexico in 1519

Of course, at that time, the place wasn’t known as Mexico. It wasn’t a country, but rather a collection of imperial states ruled by the Aztecs and Maya. He was a conquistador and had a very straightforward agenda: gold, God, and glory. What that agenda amounted to was a genocidal slaughter of the Aztecs and the fall of their empire.
