Mexico’s President is Asking for an Apology from King Felipe VI and the Pope 500 Years After Historical Conquest

Mexico’s President is Asking for an Apology from King Felipe VI and the Pope 500 Years After Historical Conquest

Trista - April 2, 2019

Mexico’s President is Asking for an Apology from King Felipe VI and the Pope 500 Years After Historical Conquest
Spanish and Portuguese empires in 1790. Nagihuin / Wikimedia Commons.

22. Spain Instated the Viceroyalty of New Spain

Much of North America, from what is now Florida to Washington State, along with what is now Mexico and Central America, became part of the Spanish Empire. Spain did not conquer all of the indigenous peoples in what is now the United States, although later Americans successfully carried out genocide against them. However, it considered itself to be the true owner of the land.
