Mexico’s President is Asking for an Apology from King Felipe VI and the Pope 500 Years After Historical Conquest

Mexico’s President is Asking for an Apology from King Felipe VI and the Pope 500 Years After Historical Conquest

Trista - April 2, 2019

Mexico’s President is Asking for an Apology from King Felipe VI and the Pope 500 Years After Historical Conquest
Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (shaking hands) with Salomon Jara Cruz (left) in San Baltazar Chichicapam, Oaxaca, in March 2016. Israel.rosas83 / Wikimedia Commons.

32. Amlo Has Long Championed Mexico’s Indigenous Peoples

About 20% of Mexico’s people consider themselves to be indigenous, but genetically, those numbers are probably much, much higher. Indigenous peoples, especially those who try to preserve a more traditional way of life, have some of the highest rates of poverty in Mexico and very few opportunities for advancement.
