Mind Blowing Images of History’s First Explorers

Mind Blowing Images of History’s First Explorers

Trista - July 27, 2022

Mind Blowing Images of History’s First Explorers
Road cc

69. A Cycling Traveling Pioneer

Many people did not hear about the famous cycling pioneer of the mid-1900s until May of 2022, when 90-year-old Dervla Murphy passed away. In the 1960s, Dervla became one of the best traveling authors of her time with her book “Full Tilt: Ireland to India with a Bicycle.” Not only did she travel to Israel and Cuba, but she also visited Afghanistan, Siberia, Peru, and Ethiopia. As she started to struggle with health problems in the 1960s, Dervla had to decrease her traveling, so she decided to turn to writing. Today, her book is widely regarded as one of the best traveling books in history.
