Mistresses and Lovers of Historical Figures Who Left Their Mark on History

Mistresses and Lovers of Historical Figures Who Left Their Mark on History

Sarah January - December 17, 2019

Mistresses and Lovers of Historical Figures Who Left Their Mark on History
Lilly Langtry- 1885 -Wikipedia

20. Lillie Langtry

The Jersey Lillie came into the world in 1853. Her vivacious and energetic personality was evident from a young age. Because of this, she received a somewhat unconventional education. Her beauty brought her a lot of attention, even if her actions were not totally perfect. Lillie caught the eye of Edward Langtry and the two married in 1874. Edward moved the couple to London where they began to rub elbows with the British elite. One of those was the crown Prince of Wales.

Lillie met the prince at a dinner party in 1877 and that is where he became completely smitten with her. He married his wife Alexandra years earlier, but that did not matter to him. The fact he had 6 children was of no consequence either. The two started an affair that lasted for 3 years until Lillie became pregnant by another man. After she gave birth to her daughter, she began her acting career. Though her reputation was not the greatest, the aristocracy of London loved her. She went on to get divorced and remarry after numerous affairs and lived out the rest of her life in relative luxury.
