Moments that People Who Lived Through the 1970s Will Never Forget

Moments that People Who Lived Through the 1970s Will Never Forget

Khalid Elhassan - July 25, 2022

Moments that People Who Lived Through the 1970s Will Never Forget
Texas Rangers take on a drunk fan who invaded the diamond. YouTube

22. Teenage Girls Faced With Drunk Indians Fans

In the meantime, the beer lines grew longer at the concession stands, and the already drunk fans began to get grouchy. The Indians’ management noticed the increasing belligerence of the inebriated crowd, and hit upon another idea that must have seemed brilliant to them at the time. They would let the fans get their beer directly from the beer trucks outside the ballpark. The thirsty fans threw aside a picnic table as they stampeded for the beer trucks. Unfortunately, the Indians’ management had failed to beef up staffing or security for the trucks. The vehicles were overseen by two teenaged girls, who quickly fled when things went haywire.

Moments that People Who Lived Through the 1970s Will Never Forget
Texas Rangers on 10 cent beer night. Flickr

With no one to stop them, the fans treated the beer trucks like their private kegs. Some began to drink straight out of the trucks’ hoses, as if they were straws. Things got rowdier yet, when a pair of drunk dudes got up on the wall, and mooned the crowd. They loved it. And it was still just the fifth inning (for non-baseball fans, the game has nine innings). There was still a ways to go before the night would be over.
