Moving Photographs of Vietnam War Protests That Show the Surprising Side of the “Peace Movement”

Moving Photographs of Vietnam War Protests That Show the Surprising Side of the “Peace Movement”

Jennifer Conerly - December 7, 2017

Moving Photographs of Vietnam War Protests That Show the Surprising Side of the “Peace Movement”
A man burns his draft card at a protest in March 1970. Wikimedia Commons.
Moving Photographs of Vietnam War Protests That Show the Surprising Side of the “Peace Movement”
Protesters are arrested at the Oakland Induction Center protest. San Francisco Chronicle, October 18, 1967. Photograph by Christopher Springman.
Moving Photographs of Vietnam War Protests That Show the Surprising Side of the “Peace Movement”
May 4, 1970: the Kent State Massacre. After days of protests at Kent State University in Kent, Ohio, the National Guard responded to the protests. The National Guard shot at the protesters, ending with four dead and eight wounded. Wikimedia Commons.
Moving Photographs of Vietnam War Protests That Show the Surprising Side of the “Peace Movement”
Protests at Kent State University turned deadly when the National Guard opened fire on students. Although the National Guard members admitted in court that they feared for their safety, the massacre led to a national outcry.
Moving Photographs of Vietnam War Protests That Show the Surprising Side of the “Peace Movement”
Police escort buses of inductees to the Oakland Induction Center. San Francisco Chronicle, October 18, 1967.
Moving Photographs of Vietnam War Protests That Show the Surprising Side of the “Peace Movement”
Black Panthers at a protest against the Vietnam War in Washington, D.C. in 1969. Unknown photographer.
Moving Photographs of Vietnam War Protests That Show the Surprising Side of the “Peace Movement”
A man wearing his Purple Heart medal observes a peach march in 1967. Wikimedia Commons.
Moving Photographs of Vietnam War Protests That Show the Surprising Side of the “Peace Movement”
April 27, 1967: the Harlem Peace March to End Racial Oppression. Photograph courtesy of Builder Levy.
Moving Photographs of Vietnam War Protests That Show the Surprising Side of the “Peace Movement”
A photographer injured at the protest at the 1968 Democratic National Convention flashes the peace sign. Photograph by Agence France Presse/Getty Images.
Moving Photographs of Vietnam War Protests That Show the Surprising Side of the “Peace Movement”
Demonstrators at the Century Plaza Hotel are arrested and put in the back of a patrol wagon. June 23, 1967. Photograph by Los Angeles Times/UCLA.
Moving Photographs of Vietnam War Protests That Show the Surprising Side of the “Peace Movement”
Demonstrators hold a coffin at a protest, November 19, 1969. Photograph by AFP/Getty Images.
Moving Photographs of Vietnam War Protests That Show the Surprising Side of the “Peace Movement”
Police escort a protester in Chicago, 1968.
Moving Photographs of Vietnam War Protests That Show the Surprising Side of the “Peace Movement”
Police subdue protesters at the Century Plaza Hotel, June 23, 1967. Photograph by the Los Angeles Times.
Moving Photographs of Vietnam War Protests That Show the Surprising Side of the “Peace Movement”
At a protest at University of California at Berkeley, a protestor throws tear gas at police. The Kent State Massacre led to campus protests across the country. Governor Ronald Reagan closed the California universities for one week due to the protests. Photograph by Bettman/Getty Images.
Moving Photographs of Vietnam War Protests That Show the Surprising Side of the “Peace Movement”
A woman holds a sign at a protest against the war. Pinterest.
