Notes On Restaurant Receipts That Will Make You Lose Your Appetite

Notes On Restaurant Receipts That Will Make You Lose Your Appetite

HC Staff - July 12, 2023

Bad Typo

Typos are part of modern life because we spend more time using keyboards and screens than pens. That’s why everybody has messy handwriting. Occasionally we make mistakes because we use predictive text or simply spell something wrong. We can only assume that’s what happened with this restaurant receipt.

Notes On Restaurant Receipts That Will Make You Lose Your Appetite

Whore juice isn’t on the menu in many restaurants and we can’t imagine it being too popular. This is a niche item but the weirdest part isn’t the typo. No, it’s the fact that the customer didn’t even buy it so we don’t know why it’s there. This is one of the strangest receipt notes we’ve come across (via Relatively Interesting).
