Notes On Restaurant Receipts That Will Make You Lose Your Appetite

Notes On Restaurant Receipts That Will Make You Lose Your Appetite

HC Staff - July 12, 2023

Ninja Alert

Some restaurant notes are offensive but others are very funny. This one belongs in the latter category because the customer had a piece of wacky advice for their server. They told them to beware of ninjas in the parking lot. Everybody knows that this is a serious problem in the United States so we respect this.

Notes On Restaurant Receipts That Will Make You Lose Your Appetite

There’s nothing worse than going into Chipotle to grab a burrito before returning to the vehicle. Suddenly, a ninja materializes out of the darkness, and that burrito lands on the floor. Beware of ninjas because they don’t discriminate when it comes to food. We don’t know what we’re talking about here at all (via Tokyo Creative).
