Odd Medieval Practices That Seem Too Strange to Be True

Odd Medieval Practices That Seem Too Strange to Be True

Khalid Elhassan - September 28, 2023

Odd Medieval Practices That Seem Too Strange to Be True
An accused getting dunked and held underwater in a water ordeal. Wikimedia

Medieval Trial by Ordeal

Medieval concepts of justice – especially the belief in rational adjudication to reach a just decision – differed greatly from those of the modern world. A common alternative to the resolution of a dispute before a neutral arbiter learned in the law in order to decide the facts of a case and the rights and wrongs of it, was trial by ordeal. The idea was to subject an accused or both parties to a dispute to dangerous and painful experience, whose outcome was unknown going in. They would then “let God decide” who was innocent or guilty or in the right.

Variations included ordeal by water, in which an accused was tied and thrown into a body of water, and were deemed innocent if they floated, and guilty if not. There was also the ordeal by fire, in which an accused held a red hot bar of iron and walked three paces. If their hand healed after three days, they were innocent, if not, they were guilty. For the aristocrats, there was ordeal by combat, in which accusers fought the accused, and victory presumably went to the one in the right.
