Overlooked Important WWII Figures from History

Overlooked Important WWII Figures from History

Khalid Elhassan - October 20, 2019

Overlooked Important WWII Figures from History
Zinaida Portnova during interrogation. Agenda Communista

30. Joining the Partisans

The German occupation was brutal, and 15-year-old Zinaida Portnova became radicalized when a German soldier struck her grandmother while confiscating the family’s cattle. So she joined the underground Komsomol – the youth division of the communist party – and its resistance group, dubbed “The Young Avengers”. Zinaida started by distributing anti-German propaganda leaflets, collecting and hiding weapons for the partisans, reporting on enemy troop movements, and engaging in opportunistic acts of sabotage of enemy vehicles.

After learning the use of weapons and explosives, she participated in raids and sabotage operations against power plants, pumps, and a brick factory in the vicinity of Vitebsk, during which an estimated 100 German soldiers were killed.
