Overlooked Important WWII Figures from History

Overlooked Important WWII Figures from History

Khalid Elhassan - October 20, 2019

Overlooked Important WWII Figures from History
U.S. soldiers of Pennsylvania’s 28th Infantry Division march along the Champs Elysees, the Arc de Triomphe in the background, on Aug. 29, 1944, four days after the liberation of Paris, France. Associated Press

26. Turning Coat and Joining the Germans

Harold Cole found himself on the run from the French Resistance after stealing from them, so he gave himself up to the Germans. He also gave them 30 pages of Resistance member names and addresses, and became an agent of the SS’ Sicherheitdienst, or SD.

In the ensuing roundup, over 150 Resistance members were arrested, of whom at least 50 were executed. Cole was present during the interrogation and torture of many of his former colleagues. However, the Allies finally invaded in 1944, and swept the Germans out of France. As Allied armies neared Paris in 1944, Cole fled in a Gestapo uniform.
