Overlooked Important WWII Figures from History

Overlooked Important WWII Figures from History

Khalid Elhassan - October 20, 2019

Overlooked Important WWII Figures from History
Stan Scott. Pintrest

17. The Kid Commando

Young Stan Scott was a 13-year-old Briton when WWII began, and he desperately wanted to join the action. Fired up by the Battle of Britain, he could no longer contain his enthusiasm, and in 1941, when he was 15, Stan lied about his age and claimed to be 18 in order to enlist. However, his mom found out, and to his chagrin, the teenage recruit was yanked out of training and sent back home.

A year later, Scott successfully enlisted at age 16, and after training, he was assigned to guard airfields in southern England. That did not satisfy his desire for action, however, so he volunteered to join the Commandos, and passed their entrance tests. As seen below, he took to life in that elite outfit like a fish to water.
