Overlooked Important WWII Figures from History

Overlooked Important WWII Figures from History

Khalid Elhassan - October 20, 2019

Overlooked Important WWII Figures from History
Stan Scott. History Extra

15. Excelling in the Commandos

Stan Scott attracted the attention of his superiors during Commando training. When a recalcitrant recruit doubted the efficacy of the outfit’s hand-to-hand techniques in defending against a knife-wielding attacker, Stan proved their effectiveness by breaking his arm during a demonstration when he came at Stan with a sheathed knife.

After completing the tough training regimen, he was assigned to No. 3 Commando, and finally saw action on D-Day, in 1944. Stan got his first taste of combat that day in the fighting to relieve the airborne troops who had captured Pegasus Bridge, and consolidating Allied control of the area. After weeks of combat, he was severely wounded near Honfleur. Upon recovering from his wounds, Stan returned to frontline duty, went on to fight in at least five river crossing assaults, and took part in the liberation of the Belsen concentration camp.
