These Historic Figures Would be the Worst Facebook Friends

These Historic Figures Would be the Worst Facebook Friends

Alli - November 30, 2021

These Historic Figures Would be the Worst Facebook Friends
Some Shakespeare scholars credit the Bard with a famous romantic expression. Wikipedia.

William Shakespeare Would Constantly Be Posting Semi-Cringey Lines

“Shakespeare. Every status in iambic pentameter.” Oh, Shakespeare. Who wouldn’t give a good amount of money to see what he would do on social media platforms? William Shakespeare (April 1564 – April 1616) is irrefutably the most iconic and prolific writer in history. When people talk about being a great writer, Shakespeare is always on the mind or tongue. Unfortunately, we don’t have any personal accounts to really analyze what his personality type would be. But he left behind so many works that vary from comedy to tragedy, we know he would have been an interesting guy to hang out with.

William Shakespeare would have lived with his family in their house on Henley Street until he turned eighteen. When he was eighteen, Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway, who was twenty-six. It was a rushed marriage because Anne was already pregnant at the time of the ceremony. Together they had three children. Their first daughter, Susanna, was born six months after the wedding and was later followed by twins Hamnet and Judith. Hamnet passed when he was just 11 years old. Between about 1590 and 1613, Shakespeare wrote at least 37 plays and collaborated on several more. When Shakespeare wrote in verse, he most often used a form called iambic pentameter. Iamb, or iambic foot, is a poetic unit of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable (de-DUM.) Iambic pentameter contains five iambs, each two syllables long, for a total of ten syllables.
