Pictures of Some of History’s Worst People Enjoying Themselves

Pictures of Some of History’s Worst People Enjoying Themselves

Jacob Miller - October 18, 2017

It is so easy to think of history’s despots and dictators like villains from TV and movies. We think only of the evils to the point of dehumanization. This is a dangerous sentiment. To believe that the horrors of history and the evils society has seen have been perpetrated by monsters allows for the blending of fact and myth. It allows the evils to be displaced from reality. It softens the injustices. It turns lives and sufferings into ideas alone.

It is imperative that we, as a society, remember that the hate, the violence, the suffering, and the destruction were caused by men. Real people with complexities. Not an imagined horror that lurks in lessons of the past. We must think of these people as exactly that…people. To lose sight of this seemingly obvious truth is to open the door for more atrocities. When people who have caused genocide, suffering, hate, violence, and fear are no longer thought of as people, we allow ourselves to let our guards down. We allow dictators and atrocities to creep back into the frame. We must not allow this.

When people who have caused genocide, suffering, hate, violence, and fear are no longer thought of as people, we allow ourselves to let our guards down. We allow dictators and atrocities to creep back into the frame. We must not allow this.

We must remember the sound of Hitler’s laughter. We must remember that Stalin loved his daughter. We must remember that the members of the KKK like baseball too.

Shown in this picture collection are people who did truly despicable, horrendous things. Shown here are tyrants, racists, murderers, dictators, and war criminals smiling. Remember that they are people. Remember what people are capable of.

Pictures of Some of History’s Worst People Enjoying Themselves
A smiling Hitler shaking hands with a soldier. Wikimedia
Pictures of Some of History’s Worst People Enjoying Themselves
Adolf Hitler, Chancellor of the Reich, laughing during some leisure time by a lake. 1945. Wikimedia
Pictures of Some of History’s Worst People Enjoying Themselves
Hitler and Eva Braun taking their dogs for a walk on a nice day. bigthink
Pictures of Some of History’s Worst People Enjoying Themselves
Hitler and some friends having a laugh. Twitter
Pictures of Some of History’s Worst People Enjoying Themselves
Hitler having dinner with SS officers. Pinterest
Pictures of Some of History’s Worst People Enjoying Themselves
Hitler, right, and Eva Brawn having a casual picknick by a lake. Pinterest
Pictures of Some of History’s Worst People Enjoying Themselves
Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Reich Minister of Propaganda, on his wedding day. His best man, Hitler, can be seen behind him. Reddit
Pictures of Some of History’s Worst People Enjoying Themselves
Idi Amin, the Ugandan Dictator and Military General, casually eating a sandwich poolside. ranker
Pictures of Some of History’s Worst People Enjoying Themselves
Idi Amin spotting an elephant on a safari. Wikimedia
Pictures of Some of History’s Worst People Enjoying Themselves
Fidel Castro and Che Guevera laughing. Twitter
Pictures of Some of History’s Worst People Enjoying Themselves
Fidel Castro on a golfing trip. Wikimedia
Pictures of Some of History’s Worst People Enjoying Themselves
Joseph Stalin depicted sharing an intimate moment with his daughter. Reddit
Pictures of Some of History’s Worst People Enjoying Themselves
Stalin having a picknick his dacha, an enormous summer house. Spiridon Putin, Presiden Vladimir Putin’s grandfather, was Stalin’s personal chef. georgianjornal
Pictures of Some of History’s Worst People Enjoying Themselves
Joseph Stalin having fun with the cameraman in a rare portrayed playful moment. This picture was not shown during the Communist era. Reddit
Pictures of Some of History’s Worst People Enjoying Themselves
Vladimir Lenin posing for a photograph with his cat. ranker