Popes Behaving Badly: 8 Dreadful Papal Scandals From the Middle Ages

Popes Behaving Badly: 8 Dreadful Papal Scandals From the Middle Ages

Stephanie Schoppert - March 26, 2017

Popes Behaving Badly: 8 Dreadful Papal Scandals From the Middle Ages
Pope John XII. All-that-is-interesting.com

Pope John XII

Pope John XII took the Papacy in 955 when he was just 18. He was known to have sex with both men and women who ventured into the papal residence and anyone who refused his attentions ended up raped anyway. He was also said to engaged in incestuous relationships with his niece and his sisters.

Even beyond committing adultery and turning the papal palace into little more than a brothel was his bloodlust. Pope John XII was known to be brutal to those that opposed him. In Patrologia Latina he was accused of castrating and murdering a cardinal and also of blinding and murdering his accuser. Pope John XII was fond of political intrigue and granted Otto I of Germany the title of emperor in the hopes of protecting himself from a growing list of political enemies.

However, not even Otto I could look away from the sins of Pope XII for long. He wrote to the Pope asking him to stop his sensual lifestyle and accused the Pope of “living his whole life in vanity and adultery.” Pope John XII feared that Otto I was gaining too much power and sent envoys to watch the emperor. They were quickly caught and the relationship between the Pope and the Emperor soured. In 963, the city of Rome was also divided between those that supported John and those that wanted him removed.

Otto I summoned a counsel in 963 and ordered John to present himself and answer to a number of charges. John responded by threatening to excommunicate his enemies. The council deposed John and put Pope Leo VIII in his place. When Otto I left Rome, John and his supporters retook power and deposed Leo VIII. Pope John XII mutilated those that stood against him and tried to make amends with Otto I. Before anything could move forward Pope John XII died, either through apoplexy while committing adultery, or at the hands of the furious husband.
