Pythagoras’ Greed Cup and Other Lesser-Known Ancient World Facts

Pythagoras’ Greed Cup and Other Lesser-Known Ancient World Facts

Khalid Elhassan - July 31, 2020

Pythagoras’ Greed Cup and Other Lesser-Known Ancient World Facts
Darius crossing the Bosporus at the start of the Scythian Expedition. Wikimedia


22. An Ancient Merry Chase Across the Steppe

After assembling a huge army to settle the Scythians’ hash once and for all, Persia’s King Darius I launched an invasion along the western Black Sea coast, and into today’s southern Ukraine and Russia. It was one of the ancient world’s greatest attempts to subdue troublesome Steppe nomads. It failed when the Scythians adopted the simple expedient of retreating into the vastness of the Steppe, taking their families and herds with them.

Avoiding the decisive pitched battle Darius sought, the Scythians’ King Idanthyrsus ordered his men to adopt scorched earth tactics in the face of the advancing invaders, and had them lay the countryside to waste. The Scythian men blocked wells and destroyed pastures while wearing down the Persian king’s forces with skirmishes and hit and run attacks.
