Queen Victoria’s Chimney Stalker and Other Creepy Moments From History

Queen Victoria’s Chimney Stalker and Other Creepy Moments From History

Khalid Elhassan - December 11, 2019

Queen Victoria’s Chimney Stalker and Other Creepy Moments From History
Thomas Jefferson. Wisconsin Gazette

2. The President and the Child Concubine

Thomas Jefferson had a creepy relationship with his slave, Sally Hemings (1773 – 1835) – although calling it straightforward rape might be more accurate than a “relationship”. Sally Hemings was a slave, kept in bondage by a brutal system in which violence, including deadly violence, was used to coerce its victims and secure their compliance. She had as much choice in submitting to Jefferson’s sexual demands as does a modern kidnapped victim, who finds herself chained for years in some psycho’s basement.

Even if she had not been a slave, there would still have been something super creepy about the age disparity between Sally Hemings and the famous Founding Father. Thomas Jefferson was 44 years old when he started having sex with Sally. She was thirteen or fourteen. Even if she had been a willing participant, it would be considered statutory rape today: children that are deemed legally incapable of consenting to sex.
