Quirks and Oddities of Influential People in History

Quirks and Oddities of Influential People in History

Khalid Elhassan - August 17, 2019

Quirks and Oddities of Influential People in History
Lyndon Johnson. Miller Center

11. Lyndon B. Johnson Loved Bragging About His Johnson

Lyndon Johnson would not have fared well in the #MeToo era. For one thing, he wanted everyone to know that he had a really big penis. For another, he was competitive womanizer, and whenever he heard somebody mention JFK’s numerous affairs, LBJ would bang the table, and boast that he had more women by accident than JFK had ever had on purpose. Today, the sheer number of sexual assault allegations LBJ’s conduct invited would probably force a presidential resignation – at least if we’re talking a TV president, or a Democrat.

Johnson, who nicknamed his penis “Jumbo”, had zero humility when it came to his Johnson. Indeed, long before he became president, LBJ had made himself infamous for creeping people out with his penis, especially in Capitol Hill restrooms. If a colleague entered as Johnson was finishing off at the urinal, LBJ would often swing around, still holding his member, and whirl it around while hooting: “Woo-eee! Have you ever seen something as big as this?!” Johnson would then begin discussing pending legislation, while continuing to brandish and shake his beloved “Jumbo”.
