Quirks and Oddities of Influential People in History

Quirks and Oddities of Influential People in History

Khalid Elhassan - August 17, 2019

Quirks and Oddities of Influential People in History
LBJ using his “Johnson Technique”, to assert dominance. Pintrest

10. LBJ’s Penis Fixation Reached Pathological Levels

Lyndon Johnson seriously skeeved many around him with his pathological fixation on his penis. In what amounted to an alpha male ritual of primacy assertion, LBJ had his aides, both male and female, take dictation standing in the doorway of his office bathroom, while he did his business on the toilet. Even on the floors of the House or Senate, Johnson would extravagantly grab his crotch, frequently reaching through his pocket to better position “Jumbo”, so its outline could show beneath his pants.


LBJ never tired of working his penis size into conversations. E.g.; in recorded phone call with his tailor, Johnson could be heard saying: “Another thing, the crotch, down where your nuts hang – it’s always a little too tight. So when you make them up, gimme an inch that I can let out there“. He also had a special nozzle installed in his White House bathroom, to shoot water at his penis while he showered. When White House staff objected that doing so would require a great deal of plumbing work, Johnson steamrolled over their complaints, telling them: “If I can move 10,000 troops in a day, you can certainly fix the bathroom any way I want it“.
