Quirks and Oddities of Influential People in History

Quirks and Oddities of Influential People in History

Khalid Elhassan - August 17, 2019

Quirks and Oddities of Influential People in History
Then-CIA Director George HW Bush between wife Barbar, left, and mistress Jennifer Fitzgerald, right. New York Post

1. Bush’s Affair With Fitzgerald Lasted for Nearly Two Decades

George H.W. Bush term as ambassador to China was brief, and the following year, president Ford asked him to become his CIA Director. Bush accepted, but only on condition that he be allowed to bring Fitzgerald with him to the CIA as his confidential assistant. A memo in Ford’s Presidential Library, dated November 23rd, 1975, states: “Please advise me as soon as you have completed office space arrangements for George Bush and Miss Fitzgerald“. As CIA Director, Bush travelled the world, and took Fitzgerald with him. In the meantime, his wife Barbara sank into a deep depression that brought her to the brink of suicide on multiple occasions.

Quirks and Oddities of Influential People in History
George HW Bush addressing his smiling wife, while his mistress Jennifer Fitzgerald is seated to the right, with arms crossed. Daily Mail

The affair continued, even as Bush indulged in other dalliances, such as an intense but brief affair with a young photographer during the 1980 presidential campaign. When the Reagan-Bush ticket won in 1980, Fitzgerald was brought along as a member of the vice-presidential staff. Tongues wagged, but Bush was deaf to them, and he kept his mistress by his side during his 8 years as vice president. When he ran for president in 1988, Bush appointed Fitzgerald as his liaison to Congress, and upon winning the election, he made her his chief of protocol. The affair finally ended after The New York Post exposed it during Bush’s failed 1992 reelection campaign.


Where Did We Find This Stuff? Some Sources and Further Reading

College of St. Scholastica – Ulysses S. Grant Information Center: Up Close and Personal

Cracked – The 5 Most Badass Presidents of All Time

Daily Beast, May 23rd, 2011 – Grover Cleveland’s Sex Scandal: The Most Despicable in American Political History

Gawker, March 30th, 2015 – LBJ Was Obsessed With His Penis

Grunge – US Presidents Who Were Really Weird People

Heavy – Jennifer Fitzgerald: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Independent, The, January 21st, 2009 – Gerald R Ford

Live Journal – Andrew Jackson, Man of Honor

New York Post, March 30th, 2019 – Barbara Bush Contemplated Suicide Over Husband‘s Alleged Affair With Aide

New York Times, August 12th, 2015 – DNA Is Said to Solve a Mystery of Warren Harding‘s Love Life

Radford, Marsha – Everything You Always Wanted to Know About America‘s Presidents But Were Afraid to Ask (2007)

Smithsonian – John Quincy Adams Once Approved an Expedition to the Center of the Earth

Washington Post, July 3rd, 2014 – The First Celebrity First Lady: Frances Cleveland

Wikipedia – Richard Lawrence (Failed Assassin)
