Really Inappropriate Deaths in History

Really Inappropriate Deaths in History

Khalid Elhassan - December 19, 2020

Really Inappropriate Deaths in History
Megan Marshack. NY Daily News

31. The VP Dies During Amidst Strenuous Loving

On January 26th, 1979, 70-year-old Nelson Rockefeller died of a heart attack. Initial reports claimed that he had died at his desk in his office in The Rockefeller Center. That was false. In reality, Rockefeller had died in a townhouse he owned on West 54th Street, in the company of a woman five decades his junior, an aide named Megan Marshack.

Really Inappropriate Deaths in History
Nelson Rockefeller giving hecklers the finger. Hundred Limit

Apparently, Rockefeller had called Megan over to his townhouse the previous night, and the two went at it hot and heavy. Too hot and heavy for the septuagenarian billionaire, as it turned out: he had a fatal heart attack while slaking his lust. The Rockefeller family tried to deny the circumstances of Nelson’s death, even going so far as to deny Megan Marshack’s presence. However, the truth eventually came out. Among other things, the emergency responders who were called described Rockefeller and Marshack as being “in undeniably intimate circumstances“.
