Shocking Tales from New Orleans’ Early French Quarter

Shocking Tales from New Orleans’ Early French Quarter

Aimee Heidelberg - November 15, 2023

Shocking Tales from New Orleans’ Early French Quarter
Debris at the ready for New Orleans and Biloxi (shown here) resident pickers. Daniel Lobo (2005, CC 1.0)

Zack and Addie: Katrina’s Resilient Couple (2005)

Zack Bowen and Addie Hall seemed to be one of the many artistic, bohemian couples taking up residence in the French Quarter. Bartender Addie merrily served drinks to patrons while covering her own bipolar disorder. Iraq and Kosovo Army veteran Zack had returned from service with PTSD, separating from his first wife. Shortly after, he began dating Addie. But the fun wouldn’t last. Hurricane Katrina would devastate much of New Orleans, but fortunately, the French Quarter didn’t experience the flooding and devastation seen by areas like the Ninth Ward. Despite protests by family, Zack and Addie stayed in the French Quarter in Addie’s apartment. They thrived in the wake of the hurricane, scouting abandoned bars for alcohol and setting up a bar outside their home. The couple, repurposing debris and plying alochol to neighbors, featured in the media for their fortitude in the midst of disaster.
