Shocking Tales from New Orleans’ Early French Quarter

Shocking Tales from New Orleans’ Early French Quarter

Aimee Heidelberg - November 15, 2023

Shocking Tales from New Orleans’ Early French Quarter
Privateer Lafitte, Gov. William Claiborne, and Gen. Andrew Jackson meet in New Orleans. Public domain (1814).

Lafitte – Pirate to Patriot (1812)

Despite the government’s suspicion that Lafitte was a pirate, they asked for his assistance during the War of 1812, a conflict between Britain and the newly independent United States over imprisonment of America sailors, trade conflicts, Native American policies and other disagreements. The British approached Lafitte first, asking him to help plan an attack on American forces in 1814. But Lafitte, in a feat of patriotism, Informed the American forces of the plan. He offered his men, the Baratarians, and his resources to help with New Orleans defense. In exchange, he requested the Baratarians be pardoned for their crimes, real or perceived. The Untied States didn’t trust the offer at first, but General Andrew Jackson came around. He knew Lafitte’s resources and knowledge of the area were invaluable to American forces. Lafitte’s partnership with government forces helped the Americans gain the upper hand, emerging victorious over the British.
