6 Amazing Facts About One of WWII’s Most Daring Missions

6 Amazing Facts About One of WWII’s Most Daring Missions

Stephanie Schoppert - February 13, 2017

6 Amazing Facts About One of WWII’s Most Daring Missions
Josef Gangl. BBC

Josef Gangl Was Honored As An Austrian Hero

Josef Gangl may have started the war on the wrong side, but he was a hero to the Allies for his efforts against the Nazis during the war. It was his bravery and dedication that protected the people of Worgl, and there is now a street in the town that is named after him. At the time, the SS were going into homes and executing the men inside if they proved to be loyal to Austria or the resistance. It was this outright violence and brutality that caused Gangl to stay in the town with whatever men were willing in order save the lives of any many Austrians as he could.

Josef Gangl was a good man who was first and foremost a leader to his men. His initial reluctance to go to Schloss Itter alone was because he had promised the men under his command that they would return home. The bravery of Josef Gangl was unmatched as he stayed at Schloss Itter despite an oncoming force of more than 100 fellow Germans.

He risked his life to save Allied French prisoners, his own men, and the American soldiers who answered his plea for help. Unfortunately, Gangl’s courage and honor would not be rewarded. He became one of the very last casualties of the war against the Nazis.

It was during the castle defense that Gangl was making sure that former French prime minister Paul Reynaud was out of the line of fire. It was during the process of getting Reynaud to safety that he was struck by a sniper’s bullet. The bullet injured him in such a way that he was not able to recover, and he was the only one of the defenders of the castle to lose his life. His sacrifice was not in vain as he did fulfill his promise to his men, they all returned home and he saved the life of Paul Reynaud.
