Some of the Greatest Men in History Had Dark and Scandalous Secrets

Some of the Greatest Men in History Had Dark and Scandalous Secrets

Khalid Elhassan - January 31, 2022

Some of the Greatest Men in History Had Dark and Scandalous Secrets
Napoleon Bonaparte in his coronation robes, 1805. Wikimedia

3. A Great Conqueror’s Awkward Defeat

Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte was not as murderous as Genghis Khan or Hitler. In his day, however, the French ruler was feared and loathed by his foes just as much as contemporaries feared the Fuhrer and the great Mongol conqueror. As he roamed Europe at the head of his armies and gobbled up countries as if they were popcorn at a movie theater, Napoleon was scary enough to serve as a boogeyman. Indeed, English parents used to scare their children into obedience with “Boney the Bogeyman”.

Some of the Greatest Men in History Had Dark and Scandalous Secrets
Napoleon was used as a boogeyman to scare children. Imgur

Le Empereur, who was often derided in newspapers read by adults as “Little Boney” in a bid to belittle and play down his threat, was portrayed as a larger-than-life figure to England’s kids. He was portrayed as a giant ogre who would take away naughty children and eat them for breakfast. “If you don’t behave, Boney will come for you” often sufficed to get rambunctious youngsters to pipe down. For such a scary figure, it is surprising that he was once routed by an army of small opponents. Napoleon was famously defeated at Waterloo, but it was not his only loss. A smaller – albeit perhaps more awkward – defeat was once dealt Boney by, of all things, bunny rabbits.
