Some of the Greatest Men in History Had Dark and Scandalous Secrets

Some of the Greatest Men in History Had Dark and Scandalous Secrets

Khalid Elhassan - January 31, 2022

Some of the Greatest Men in History Had Dark and Scandalous Secrets
Ellen Ternan in 1858. Wikimedia

28. Charles Dickens’ Affair With His Other Sister in Law

Charles Dickens’ wife Catherine’s wife found out about his affair with Ellen Ternan because of a mistake worthy of a romance novel. In 1858, he ordered a bracelet as a present for his teenage lover, but it was accidentally delivered to his house instead. When Catherine accused him of cheating on her, he denied it and claimed that it was his custom to buy gifts for everybody who acted in his plays. She didn’t buy it, and the couple legally separated a few weeks later. In an unusual move, Dickens published a notice in newspapers, in which he claimed that it was an amicable split.

Some of the Greatest Men in History Had Dark and Scandalous Secrets
Georgina Hogarth in later years. String Fixer

Dickens was motivated by the need to squelch rumors not only about his relationship with an actress, but about an affair with yet another sister-in-law. In 1842, Catherine’s other younger sister, Georgina Hogarth, then fifteen years old, moved into the Dickens household. It was widely rumored at the time that the author had an affair with her. When her older sister’s marriage fell apart, Georgina sided with Dickens against her own sister and continued to live in his house until his death in 1870. In his will, Dickens left Georgina far more than he did Catherine, as well as all his private papers.
