Space Missions That Have Crazy Backstories

Space Missions That Have Crazy Backstories

Aimee Heidelberg - August 31, 2023

Space Missions That Have Crazy Backstories
Artist rendering of two-man Gemini capsule (1965). NASA, Public domain.

The “Next Nine,” Project Gemini, 1965 – 1966

Project Mercury proved people could survive space flight. NASA’s next phase, Project Gemini, would test human, engineering, and scientific capabilities in space, preparing them for future exploration. The Gemini missions would conduct experiments and address challenges, moving NASA closer to reaching the moon. Instead of a single pilot, two men sat side-by-side in the capsule to conduct experiments and even exit the craft during the flight. Three of Project Mercury’s original seven astronauts would fly Gemini missions. Additionally, many of the later Apollo astronauts started their space flights during Gemini missions, evaluating their training, endurance, and capabilities. As serious and important for NASA as these flights were, they, too, were full of mischief, conflict, and mayhem.
