Stars Who Shut Down Haters and Proved Critics Wrong

Stars Who Shut Down Haters and Proved Critics Wrong

HC Staff - July 5, 2023

Ben Affleck
Beauty standards don’t discriminate, and even the biggest Hollywood stars aren’t immune! After his split from Jennifer Garner, Ben Affleck was caught in a few photos looking out at the sea, and the internet had a field day. Critics pounced, pointing out every little imperfection and fueling the unrealistic beauty standards that men face every day. But Ben’s not backing down, he’s showing the world that real men don’t hide from their flaws, they simply embrace them!

Stars Who Shut Down Haters and Proved Critics Wrong
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The world can be a harsh place, especially if you’re a celebrity! Ben Affleck just wanted to enjoy some quiet time by the sea, but the media had other plans. They jumped to conclusions, assuming that he was down in the dumps and calling him “sad Ben.” And let’s not forget the article that claimed his life had become “pathetic.” All because he was just taking a moment to reflect!
