Strangest Hygiene Practices From The Middle Ages

Strangest Hygiene Practices From The Middle Ages

Shannon Quinn - December 6, 2020

Strangest Hygiene Practices From The Middle Ages
Beards were a knight’s badge of honor. Credit: Shutterstock

18. Beards Were Very Serious Business

Recently, beards have made a huge comeback, especially among hipsters. Studies have shown that people also associate a man with a beard as being more intelligent, and many people find them to be incredibly attractive. Respect for beards is nothing new. During medieval times, knights were known to grow out their beards as a sign of honor. If one man touched another man’s beard, this was enough of an insult to challenge them to a duel to the death. Shaving was common during the middle ages, and commoners would be clean-shaven. Royalty was also usually shaven or had very trim beards that were kept neat and tidy.
