Stunning Images Captured of the Most Attractive People in History

Stunning Images Captured of the Most Attractive People in History

Trista - June 26, 2022

Stunning Images Captured of the Most Attractive People in History
Getty Images

24. Eva Peron

Eva Peron, also known as Evita, was a native Argentinian woman who luckily met Colonel Peron at an art festival to raise funds for the victims of an earthquake. The colonel was so taken over by her beauty that he proposed to her on the spot. Barely a year later, he was elected as president, and Eva became a global icon that all of the fashion world looked up to. She was exceedingly charming, and her elegant dresses were the envy of everyone who looked at her. Her beauty only adds to her perfect “rags to riches” life that has become ingrained in modern pop culture.
