His genius was apparent from an early age. His father brought him on a campaign with him in order to instil in Frederick some military ardour and make him a ‘man’. By exposing him to war Frederick’s father wanted to make his son a military man. One of the commanders during the campaign was Prince Eugene of Savoy. He was one of the best-known generals in Europe at this time and his tactics are still studied. One day the King of Prussia was complaining about his useless son. Prince Eugene disagreed and stated that Frederick had real abilities.

He was very impressed with the young man and saw him as intelligent and brave and he prophesied a great future for him as a king and as a general. Prince Eugene offered to give the Frederick as few lessons in the science and art of war. This was to have an enormous impact on the young man and Frederick claimed that he owed all his success to the few lessons that he had with the great general.