3. Operation Jericho 1944
Operation Jericho can largely be seen as a hostage rescue gone wrong. While there were hostages that were freed in the rescue operation most were killed or recaptured. The Nazis also killed hundreds of prisoners in retaliation for the prison escape. However, the plan and the implementation of that plan make this one of the most dangerous hostage rescues in history.
Operation Jericho was an attempt to free the hundreds of political prisoners and resistance fighters that were being held at Amiens Prison following the Nazi occupation of France. The plan was to have Mosquito planes fly low to the ground and bomb the walls of the prison and thereby giving the prisoners a way to escape. This was a precision bombing mission for bombs that were not very precise and meant that the planes would have to fly a mere 50 feet above the ground in terrible weather.
There were 18 planes for the mission but 5 had to turn back before it even began due to mechanical issues. The remaining 13 bombed the prison, first striking the outer walls and then the guardhouse. Two planes also broke off and bombed the nearby train station to convince the Germans that it was a bombing raid on the city.
The rescue mission was very controversial as 102 prisoners died in the attack. 250 prisoners did escape but all but 70 were recaptured. Some prisoners even refused to leave because they feared German reprisal on their families. Following the mission and its failure (though it was announced as a success) many have wondered the real reason for the raid. Even today it is not clear if the French, British or Americans were the ones that ordered the raid and most believe there were other motives for attacking the prison in such matter that had nothing to do with rescuing prisoners.