10 Strange Jobs World Leaders Held Before They Came To Power

10 Strange Jobs World Leaders Held Before They Came To Power

Stephanie Schoppert - February 3, 2017

10 Strange Jobs World Leaders Held Before They Came To Power
Pope Francis. Washington Free Beacon


Pope Francis – Nightclub Bouncer

Pope Francis is one of the most celebrated Popes in modern history with many followers who believe that he brings a new view of moderation and understanding to the church. His beliefs and practices have brought new followers into the fold of the Catholic church and have encouraged many to look more favorably at the religion. However, part of Pope Francis’ appeal might come from his rather unusual past, or at least unusual in terms of a future Pope.

The call of the church was not immediate for Francis, and he held a number of odd jobs throughout his life. He went to college in Buenos Aires, and like many students, he had to do whatever it took to make ends meet. During the day, he swept floors and ran chemical tests, and at night he worked as a bouncer at a nightclub.

It was on a visit to Rome that Jorge Mario Bergoglio (as the Pope was known then) stepped into a church. As he stood looking up at the magnificent building, a parishioner stopped him. They asked if he would be willing to pray for a family member who wanted to become a Franciscan friar.

As he prayed with the parishioner, he discovered his own calling. He joined the priesthood and worked his way up to become a Bishop. Then on March 13, 2013, he was elected the Pope, a moment that he recalled as nerve-racking, but a position that now feels natural to him.
