The Aftermath of the JFK Assassination

The Aftermath of the JFK Assassination

Trista - July 7, 2019

The Aftermath of the JFK Assassination
Lyndon Johnson on the phone. UVA / Miller Center Organization.

13. Lyndon B. Johnson Became The New President As The World Heard JFK Was Dead

At the same time Walter Cronkite read the report that officially announced John F. Kennedy’s death, Lyndon B. Johnson was being sworn in as the new President of the United States. While the transition of presidents needed to get done quickly, it happened sooner than the Secret Service wished. Johnson also refused to take the oath of office unless Jackie Kennedy stood next to him, as this was a sign that JFK could have approved of the transition himself. So, at 2:38 PM, LBJ was sworn into office by Judge Sarah T. Hughes, a federal judge appointed by JFK earlier.
