The Civil War Had a Senior Citizen Regiment and Other Amazing Obscure Facts

The Civil War Had a Senior Citizen Regiment and Other Amazing Obscure Facts

Khalid Elhassan - March 30, 2022

The Civil War Had a Senior Citizen Regiment and Other Amazing Obscure Facts
Confederate soldiers cook in camp. E-Bay

11. Civil War Southern Soldiers Often Had to Eat Mule Meat

On paper, Southern rations in the Civil War were adequate and varied. In practice, they were not. Rebel soldiers were usually issued corn bread and bad beef, with corn bread the more constant provision. Basics like vegetables and salt were also often hard to come by. The supply of beef to Southern armies broke down quickly, and as early as 1861, the Confederates’ commissary general recommended the use of rice and molasses as occasional meat substitutes. Because of persistent supply and distribution difficulties, “occasional” became “quite often”.

By 1863, things had gotten bad enough that mule meat was issued as a standard ration item to Rebel soldiers. Even mule meat, rice and molasses, as well as corn bread, were often in short supply, and there are many reports of Southerners who had to subsist for days on handfuls of field peas and parched corn. On top of food shortages, and the poor quality of what food actually reached them, Confederate soldiers often lacked adequate cooking ware and eating utensils.
