The Customer’s Always Right? These Stories Beg to Differ

The Customer’s Always Right? These Stories Beg to Differ

HC Staff - JU - May 3, 2023

The Customer’s Always Right? These Stories Beg to Differ
Credit: freepik

Customer Loses It

I worked in both the service and retail industries for about 12 years and I’ve seen a lot of craziness. One of the places I worked for was a video rental business and you needed either your membership card or your driver’s license. Of course, I’ve had countless people forget their membership cards and their wallets, then pull the “you know me, I’m here all the time”. Then I say, “It’s company policy” and they either change their minds or ask me to hold the movies so they can get their card/picture ID.

But this one time, this guy lost his ever-loving mind when I told him I couldn’t use his last name because 1. I didn’t know him. 2. He had a very common last name. 3. It’s against company policy to release a product without identity verification. At that, he threw the videos at my face. I told him to leave the store and on his way out he threw the display items, that were within his reach, all over the place. He just goes through the turnstile to the exit door and his passing shot to me was “your a fat f*cking b*tch!”. To which I replied, with a big smile on my face, “Thank you, Sir! That’s the best compliment I’ve received all day!”

Yeah… he was not happy, but this was one incident of many that make me truly believe that everyone should be required to do a 2-year stint, minimum, in the customer service industry and not as management.
