The Customer’s Always Right? These Stories Beg to Differ

The Customer’s Always Right? These Stories Beg to Differ

HC Staff - JU - May 3, 2023

The Customer’s Always Right? These Stories Beg to Differ
Credit: freepik

Thick or Thin?

I once worked in an ice cream shop. A father came in with his young son and asked for a vanilla milkshake. Easy enough, I put the stuff in the blender and wait, then pour it into a cup and hand it to the kid. They leave, then come back a few minutes later. The father complains that the milkshake is “too thick” and condescendingly asks if it’s my first day. I apologize even though I don’t understand why he thinks milkshakes should be thin, and offer to make them a new one.

He gives a long-suffering sigh and says “No, we’ll just have a scoop of vanilla ice cream.”

…..because that solves the “Thick” problem?
