The Customer’s Always Right? These Stories Beg to Differ

The Customer’s Always Right? These Stories Beg to Differ

HC Staff - JU - May 3, 2023

The Customer’s Always Right? These Stories Beg to Differ
Credit: freepik

Fury on a Friendly Cashier

I work at Trader Joe’s. This one lady came through my line one day. I say hi, and she mutters a hello. “How are you doing today?” “good.” “Any plans for the weekend?” “Why are you asking? You don’t even care. This is ridiculous. Every time I come in this d*mn store, YOU GUYS ALWAYS ASK HOW I AM. YOU DON’T GIVE A SH*T. YOU’RE JUST DOING IT BECAUSE YOUR MANAGERS TELL YOU TO.”

At this point, I’m like, aww this b*tch is insane. I look across my register to one of my managers, who’s facing me. I kind of eye him a “dude, help me out” kind of look. He shrugs, smiles, and goes back to helping his customer.

At this point, I’m dumbfounded by this woman who is still b*tching at me. I look around, at other customers, who are wide-eyed and can’t believe this is for real. I’m halfway smiling/laughing because I can’t believe this person is so offended that I was making conversation with her.

I snap back into it after a few seconds, to hear her close with “Blah blah blah, you guys are so fake.” I tell her “Okay”, look down, and continue scanning/bagging her stuff. No apology, because I wasn’t sorry. Super awkward silence for a good 10 seconds. Then I hear a customer in the line behind her say “Well I’m having a great day, Evan! Thanks for asking” and give me a big smile. The lady next to her then said “Me too! Thanks for being so nice here.”

The b*tches face at this point was PRICELESS. You could tell she wanted to burst with the rage of one thousand suns, but nay, held it in. She was absolutely livid that other strangers were ganging up on her. I finish bagging her stuff, push her cart to her, and ignore her.

She then goes to the pit (for those of that shop TJ’s, it’s that boxed-off area where the managers sit around and drink Starbucks) and she makes a complaint about me and the store in general. I talk to the assistant manager (who she talked to) afterwards, he can hardly believe that just happened, gave me a high five, and told me to pray for her.

To this day, she comes in every Saturday. IF YOU HATE THE STORE SO MUCH, WHY DO YOU COME EVERY SINGLE WEEK?

That day I learned there are some really sh*tty people in this world – very sad individuals. I also learned that, although not common, there are some totally bad*ss strangers to be found. Thank you ladies who stuck up for me!
