The Customer’s Always Right? These Stories Beg to Differ

The Customer’s Always Right? These Stories Beg to Differ

HC Staff - JU - May 3, 2023

The Customer’s Always Right? These Stories Beg to Differ
Credit: freepik

Hot and Spicy Drama

A guy orders “Hot and Spicy Onion Rings” with a subheading of “Onion rings coated in a hot chili batter”. These were one of the favourites at the restaurant I used to manage, the same recipe was used for as long as I remember the place existed.

I notice one of his toddlers gasping for air, so instinctively I run over with a glass of water, hand it to him and check on the kid. I ask him what’s up and the boy says “Burns!! hot!!”. The young lad’s about 3 or 4…

I clear up any debris on the table from the ordeal and walk back to the bar to check on staff, closely followed by his father.

The father claims he’s going to seek legal action because I served the onion rings to the table and didn’t make him aware that they had chili in. He stated that every other time he’d been to the restaurant they never served them with chili and the last time he visited, he said, was 1 month ago. It was my responsibility to make sure he knew they were hot, apparently.

F*ck that — I pointed out that the item on the menu contained the word hot, spicy and chili more than once and that it was his responsibility to ensure the food that HE fed to his kids was suitable, not mine.

He blushed after seeing the menu information and blushed even more when I showed him the printed date on the back of the menu. Nearly a year prior to the incident.

Needless to say, I enjoyed every second of knowing I, the manager, was 100% right.

