The Customer’s Always Right? These Stories Beg to Differ

The Customer’s Always Right? These Stories Beg to Differ

HC Staff - JU - May 3, 2023

The Customer’s Always Right? These Stories Beg to Differ
Credit: freepik

The Cherry On Top

I was working at Godiva a few years ago and we sold these drinks there called “Chocolixers”. Well, one day a couple came in, around 50-60 years old, and wanted a drink. I made small talk, joked around, being friendly, with them while I had them pay and started to prepare the drinks.

Towards the end, I realized we ran out of whipped cream and I asked if that was okay. I had expected a, “Yeah, sure!” but no, he looked completely shocked, and started going on about how the whipped cream was ESSENTIAL and won’t have it without whipped cream. Completely unsure as to what to do, I went to my manager who agreed to make a refund.

The customer then flips out when asked for information and clearly made some b*llsh*t name/address up. My manager calmly explained to the customer that we needed his name and address in order for us to refund the $4 back. Outraged, the customer grabs the paper and throws it in my manager’s face and storms out the door. Before he left, he shook his fist and said “Corporate will be hearing about this tomorrow.”

It was whipped cream, dude. Calm down.
