The Customer’s Always Right? These Stories Beg to Differ

The Customer’s Always Right? These Stories Beg to Differ

HC Staff - JU - May 3, 2023

The Customer’s Always Right? These Stories Beg to Differ
Credit: freepik

Smells Like Trouble

I worked at Bath and Body Works for many many years. Fragrances tend to come and go, some stick around forever like cucumber melon and sweet pea but most eventually go so new ones can come in. This upsets a lot of customers because they get used to a certain scent they enjoy, most people when told their fragrance has been discontinued are like oh wow that sucks, I suggest one that may be similar and they move on.

One time this lady came in looking for a scent we no longer carried. I told her this, and she just looked at me with this sort of sociopathic stare and said ” I know you have some in the back” I very kindly explained to her that, we do not have any, our semi-annual sale in which we do sometimes have some older fragrances has ended and what you see is what we have. She didn’t believe me. I went back to “look” to humor her but our backroom is the size of a closet and I was well aware we did not have this.

She threw an absolute fit, accusing me of lying, insisting the scent was not discontinued, and somehow she got the idea I was just “too f*cking lazy” to climb the ladder because it was probably on the top shelf. She blamed me personally that we didn’t have it, and basically told me she knew about my conspiracy to hide sh*t in the backroom. She was completely nuts.
