The Customer’s Always Right? These Stories Beg to Differ

The Customer’s Always Right? These Stories Beg to Differ

HC Staff - JU - May 3, 2023

The Customer’s Always Right? These Stories Beg to Differ
Credit: freepik

“Can You Try This On?”

A woman walks into the store, loudly talking using an obviously fake Hispanic accent. She immediately finds 3 outfits she likes, then makes eye contact with me and tells whoever she’s talking to she’ll call them later. The following conversation went like this…

Me: Can I help you find anything?

Lady: It’s my cousin’s birthday and I’m surprising her with a 3-day trip to Salem. I’m buying her some outfits for the trip.

Me: Oh well how nice of you! I wish I had a cousin as great as you.

Lady: Thing is, she’s not my size and I have no idea if any of this is going to fit her.

Me: We have a 60-day return policy and all our items come in sizes xxs-4xl. If it doesn’t fit you can return it as long as the tags are intact and you have a receipt.

Lady: abruptly walks away to speak to my manager in a hushed tone. She cuts off my manager as she’s talking and walks away, leaving my manager looking pissed off and confused

Lady: I need you to try these on for me. You’re the same size as my cousin and I can see how they fit before she gets them

My manager had to step in to tell her that my job is to man the register, not model for customers. And she actually had the deep-fried audacity to be offended that I was not there to help her in that way.
