The Customer’s Always Right? These Stories Beg to Differ

The Customer’s Always Right? These Stories Beg to Differ

HC Staff - JU - May 3, 2023

The Customer’s Always Right? These Stories Beg to Differ
Credit: freepik

No Salad for You

I waitressed at a pizza place by myself during the day on the weekends. Usually, on Sundays, we would get busy and on this particular Sunday, I had a few large tables and a couple of small tables by myself. It was to the point where I was running to place orders and every time I went back to the kitchen I had at least 4-5 things I had to do (place orders for table A, table E, G, and B need refills, table H’s order just came out, etc.)

So I’m literally running to place an order and grab things when this table pulls me aside. It was two elderly couples and they had already made things complicated when their friends came in and joined them so I had to place another order and they had a lot of requests. So they stop me on my way to the kitchen and one woman asked me to place an order for a salad. Her friend got one so now she wanted one. Except she didn’t want the “dark green stuff.” She literally asked for salad but without half the salad because of its color. I told her the salads came pre-packaged as a mix. She said, “Well you can just pick it out for me then.”

Sorry picking the bits out of your salad that you don’t want, isn’t my job. Especially when I’m waitressing 5 other tables.
