The Customer’s Always Right? These Stories Beg to Differ

The Customer’s Always Right? These Stories Beg to Differ

HC Staff - JU - May 3, 2023

The Customer’s Always Right? These Stories Beg to Differ
Credit: Starbucks

Happened during peak on a weekend morning. We were slammed. I ended up having to solo drive for a bit. I’m good at multitasking so it wasn’t too bad. Until we got to HIM.

He pulls up and when I ask for his order he asks for espresso. Assuming he wanted just espresso I ask him for details about it. The regular “iced or hot”, “any milk or flavor” “In what sized cup?”. The guy describes a grande iced mocha perfectly. 2 shots of espresso, mocha sauce and cold milk to the top of the cup. Even asked for the whipped cream. While he was answering, I could tell he didn’t have too much idea about what he was ordering. I describe how our mochas are made and ask him if he just wanted that. He says yeah.

Fast forward a couple of cars, we’re not doing badly on time, and when the guy comes up I have it ready for him. He pays, and I had him his drink. While my arm is hanging out the window with his drink he says: “That’s not right”.

Okay, no problem, happy to remake it. I ask him what we needed to fix. He has no clue. I ask him what is wrong with the drink. “I don’t really know, but I know it’s not right.” I try to pry information from this man like I’m a detective, and he’s my only lead. I’m not getting anything back. Meanwhile, I’m hopping in and out to take orders from the cars still rolling in. In frustration, I ask the barista to make a double shot of espresso over ice with a normal amount of milk and mocha flavoring in a grande cup. Figured maybe it wasn’t an iced mocha he wanted, and I was mistaken. We have our shifts in the bar so it’s going wicked fast. I get his new drink and go to hand it out again. He looks over at it and “That’s not right either”.

With how frantic I was and how much time we were spending on this order, I gave up and called a shift over to deal with him. The shift goes through the whole shebang that I did, even making him another drink. (That drink was wrong too). Finally, after involving another shift, we find out it’s not the mocha he wants, it’s a white mocha. How we found out? He finally informed us the drink he wants is a different color. 15 minutes. 15 minutes could have been avoided if you had just said the color was wrong in the beginning. Part of me feels bad cause the dude was clueless. He was nice enough for the interaction. But knowing I’m going to have to hand out drinks for free because he couldn’t specify what was wrong with the drink drove me mad.
