The Death Row Baseball Team and Other Odd Episodes in History

The Death Row Baseball Team and Other Odd Episodes in History

Khalid Elhassan - May 18, 2020

The Death Row Baseball Team and Other Odd Episodes in History
German grifter Ronald Richter, left, with Juan Peron. Questa de Ciencia

31. When Argentina Was Conned by a Grifter

As it turned out, Argentina’s president Juan Peron had been conned by a German WWII aircraft designer named Ronald Richter, who had wildly misrepresented his credentials in a successful bid to get funding for a fusion reactor. Argentine scientists knew Richter’s claims were fanciful, but Peron wanted to believe, so he did. The result was a significant chunk of Argentina’s budget getting diverted into building a massive compound for Richter on Huemul Island, in an Andean lake.

The Death Row Baseball Team and Other Odd Episodes in History
Remnants of the main reactor building on Huemul Island. Mapio

In a humiliation for all involved, Richter’s claims were debunked almost immediately after they were announced by Peron. Richter was eventually jailed for having “misled” the Argentine president, and his embarrassed government razed most of the lab to the ground and tried to pretend the whole thing had never happened. After his release from prison, Richter settled down to become a chicken farmer, but continued to insist to his dying day that he had, indeed, mastered nuclear fusion.
