The Death Row Baseball Team and Other Odd Episodes in History

The Death Row Baseball Team and Other Odd Episodes in History

Khalid Elhassan - May 18, 2020

The Death Row Baseball Team and Other Odd Episodes in History
Ray Buckey and his mother Peggy McMartin at their trial. How Stuff Works

6. Incompetence and Prejudice Led to Tragedy

Tales of the goings-on in the McMartin preschool kept growing ever more bizarre. So social workers were brought in to gather more information. Between incompetence and leading questions, the children’s accusations grew steadily wilder and weirder. In addition to being molested by Ray Buckey and his mother Peggy McMartin, the children alleged satanic rites, during which they were forced to drink the blood of a baby that was sacrificed in church.

The kids also said that they saw witches fly, and that they had been abused in a hot air balloon and in (nonexistent) tunnels beneath the preschool. One child even claimed to have been sexually molested by actor Chuck Norris. Other children added that, after being abused in secret rooms, they were flushed down toilets, then cleaned up and presented to their parents.
