The Fate of the Rockefeller Scion Eaten by Cannibals and Other Macabre History

The Fate of the Rockefeller Scion Eaten by Cannibals and Other Macabre History

Khalid Elhassan - December 19, 2021

The Fate of the Rockefeller Scion Eaten by Cannibals and Other Macabre History
Karl Denke’s house in 1924. Spiegel

21. Papa Denke Was a Mean and Macabre Daddy

After a life spent in aimless wandering about, Karl Denke seemed to have finally found his footing in Munsterberg. There, he developed a reputation as a devout evangelical, and became a well-liked and respected member of his community. A friendly avuncular figure, always kind and helpful to people, he was nicknamed “Vatter Denke“, German for “Papa Denke”, by his neighbors. His status took a turn for the worse in 1924, however, when people discovered just who the real Papa Denke was.

On December 21st, 1924, a passerby heard cries for help from Denke’s house. He rushed in to render assistance and encountered a young man in distress, who staggered in a corridor as he bled profusely from a head wound. Before he collapsed on the floor, the victim blurted out that “Papa Denke” had attacked him with an ax. Police were called, and Denke was arrested. A search of his house turned up identification papers for a dozen men, plus various items of male clothes whose sizes indicated that they did not belong to Denke. It was the start of a series of ever more macabre revelations.
